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D.C. Revisited

The Novaks are back in DC for the first time in 2 years. Although I’m not a big DC fan, it’s nice to come back to somewhere that’s familiar. For the first time ever we’re staying downtown, just blocks from the White House. The location is great and makes for easy walking to most sites.

Nick has been in class the last 2.5 weeks. Nia and I were in Bend, OR for one of those weeks and then joined him on Saturday the 11th. Last week Nia did a traditional YMCA day camp and this week she and I hit some museums (American History, Air & Space, Natural History, Spy Museum, the Renwick Gallery and Nat Geo). We’ve also been fortunate to get in visits with lots of old friends. Pretty much 1-2 meet-ups a day. Saw friends from the Philippines, Peru, DC and Malawi! Lots of good reminiscing…

My favorite thing we saw was the Renwick’s Burning Man exhibit. The exhibit showcased the history of the Burning Man festival (which I knew nothing about), as well as a host of sculptures both in the museum and scattered around our neighborhood.

Our mutual favorite was a set of interactive mushrooms.

When the circle turned green on the floor you could step on it and the mushroom would begin to change shape and color. It was so freakin’ cool.

Our second favorite was this ballet dancer made out of mesh wire. So beautiful.

And here’s one of the outdoor sculptures we found!

I am also pleased to report that Nia has mastered the art of “metro surfing”. Daddy gave her some lessons. She is a big fan of riding the metro!

One last highlight was seeing the batmobile at the American History Museum. So iconic and aerodynamic. Really neat to see.

We’re off to Mumbai this weekend. I’m soooo ready to go. Am sick of being in transient. Not feeling nervous at all.

Nia, on the other hand, seems quite worked up. Has been complaining of stomaches a lot. She told me she’s worried that kids won’t like her. :(  Honestly, I think she’s going to thrive there. We just need to get rolling. School starts on Monday, as does Nick’s work! Nia also got assigned her after-school activities. She’ll be doing Robotics and Bollywood Dance (her top picks – yay!!) Will do my best to blog about my first impressions as soon as we get there.

And now, I leave you with the latest and greatest from Nia…

Nia: “Mom, where do babies come out?”

Me: “Out of your vagina.”

Nia: “Ewwww. Babies come out of your butt?! I never wanna have a baby.”

Me: “Well that will be your choice later on.”

Nia: “How can I make sure I don’t get pregnant?”

Me: “Well, you can’t get pregnant now because you haven’t gotten your period.”

Nia: “What’s a period?”

Me: “When blood comes out of your vagina each month.”

Nia: “Seriously?! That’s disgusting. I wanna be a boy.”