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Nia’s 1st International Day at School

We’re pretty new to this International School thing but I can already tell that one of my favorite days of the year is going to be International Day. We participated in our first one at the end of October and it was the coolest darn thing.

The kids all come in dress representative of their country.  Many kids, like those from India and South Korea, came in traditional dress.

While Americans, as you might guess, came decked out in red, white and blue.

There was a big parade of nations showcasing all the different nationalities represented at the school (about 45 countries, I believe).

The children lined up by country with each holding their flag. They then proceeded to march around the campus with parents acting as the bystanders for the parade.

Nia represented well in her ‘America Dress’ as she likes to call it. Best $5 garage sale find ever!

After the parade of nations the entire school gathered for an assembly where various groups of kids got up to perform traditional dances from their country. Pictured above is a traditional Malawian dance.

The final portion of the day was trying out foods from all the different countries. The tables were overflowing with foods that are impossible to find in Malawi (Lumpia from the Philippines, Sushi from Japan, Lebanese Salads, etc). It was such fun trying out all the different delicacies. I was in absolute heaven!

I’m so grateful that Nia is being exposed to so many different cultures at a young age! Already looking forward to next year’s event in Mumbai, which is sure to be an even bigger spectacle…