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Who Knew that Learning Spanish Could Be So Fun???

I was more than a little nervous to start up Spanish classes again.  I mean 2 hours a day, 5 days a week is a LOT of Spanish.  That 2 hours could really go by slowly, especially if I’m buried in overwhelm.  To my delight, it has been a absolute blast!

Most of the credit goes to my teacher, who does an AMAZING job of keeping the 13 of us enthralled for 2 hours straight.  He’s funny, great at pantomiming, and very creative with his methods.  In my first 8 days of class, we’ve done things like:

  • Take a trip to the grocery store to learn the names of fruits and vegetables
  • Bring in different Peruvian fruits and try them together
  • Do mock restaurant scenarios
  • Play charades
  • (And my favorite) Share a recipe from your country of origin

That last one was today’s assignment.  I thought long and hard about what I wanted to prepare because a.) we didn’t have any cooking apparatuses and b.) we had to talk through all the instructions in Spanish, so I didn’t want it to be overly complicated. I ended up choosing a favorite from my childhood, a recipe called “Apple Smiles”.  It goes a little something like this:

  1. Slice an apple into 8 pieces.
  2. Take 2 apple slices.
  3. Spread Peanut Butter on 1 side of the apples.
  4. Place marshmallows on top of the Peanut Butter on one of the 2 slices.
  5. Put the second side on top to form the mouth.
  6. Eat and enjoy!

As you might imagine, this was a MAJOR hit with the class.  I was incredibly proud to show my classmates a little ‘slice’ of American life (pun intended).  By the way, did I mention that I’m the ONLY AMERICAN in the class?  That totally floored me.  There’s a large contingent of Canadians, but otherwise it’s mostly Japanese, Koreans and Chinese.  Based on where I ended up sitting, I’m entirely surrounded by the non-English speakers.  It would be very easy to flip over to English on every break, but since I usually end up wanting to make conversation with those around me, we have to use Spanish (much better for my learning).  I love the fact that I can communicate with my new Chinese friend even though neither of us is using our native tongue.  Pretty damn cool, huh?

The weird part is that I’m enjoying the learning so much that I’m wanting even more – I know – shocking, right?  No lie, I’ve started interviewing 1-on-1 tutors for a 6th day of lessons a week.  Can you even imagine the learning that is possible???  WHOA.

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